What is the best book you have read recently? Why did you like it?, Do you have a personal list of top ten (or top five) books?, What was the last book you read? Who was it by? What was it about?, Are you reading a book now? What is it? Can you describe it?, What are your friends reading these days? What are your relatives reading?, Can you think of any books you would recommend to another person? Why?, Have you ever tried to write a book? What was it about? If you were to write a book, what would it be about?, Have you ever re-read a book? Which? Why? How many times?, Do you have a library card? If so, how often do you borrow books from the library?, Do you like to browse in book shops?, What book - or author - has influenced you the most? How?, Have you ever been in a book club? Did your club focus on a genre?, Do you think books make good gifts? Why? What about magazines?, What books are you looking forward to reading in the future?, Who are some famous writers from your country?, Who are some famous writers who write in your native language?, Do you think that young people today are reading books?.



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