twice a day, (always) after breakfast, (usually) before dinner, in the mornings, (often) with my family, (usually) at school, (always) before school, (sometimes) late, (usually) early, (often) late after school, (never) late, on weekdays, in the mornings, (usually) before school, every day, twice a week, at weekends, (often) on Mondays, three times a week, (always) on Tuesdays and Thursdays, (sometimes) from YouTube, (usually) on Mondays and Wednesdays, (often) in the evenings, (never) late at night, (sometimes) after dinner, (usually) after school.

Unit 2 Random cards


Cartas aleatórias é um modelo aberto. Ele não gera pontuações para um ranking.

Estilo visual


Alterar modelo

Restaurar arquivo salvo automaticamente: ?