1) I ... to school yesterday. a) go b) went c) gone 2) I'm not hungry. I ... ten minutes ago a) eat b) ate c) eats 3) I was ill yesterday, so I ... to school. a) don't go b) didn't go c) haven't gone 4) He ... to visit London. a) want b) wants c) didn't wanted 5) He ... his homework at the moment. a) does b) is doing c) did 6) Kids, ... you have a good time at the party last weekend? a) do b) does c) did 7) Mum ... the dishes every day. a) washes b) is washing c) washed 8) We are good friends. We ... our secrets.  a) know b) knew c) knows 9) Mary ... dinner now.  a) cooks b) cooked c) is cooking 10) Tom is sad because he ... his arm yesterday. a) break b) broke c) will break 11) Today I got up, had breakfast and ... the house. a) leave b) will leave c) left 12) Harry ... to the supermarket every Friday. a) goes b) is going c) went

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