1) Chris ... ... ... a ghost. a) did never see b) has never seen c) never saw d) didn't see 2) Has Olivia ... ... vodka? a) drink b) ever drank c) ever drunk d) ever not drunk 3) I haven't done the dishes ..., but I'll do it after I ... my homework. a) yet / finished b) yet / finishes c) yet / finish d) already / finish 4) Teacher: "You have 30 minutes to do the test. Go!" (After 10 minutes Peter says) Peter: "Teacher, I've ... finished it!" a) yet b) already c) never d) ever 5) Maria and Peter ... ... any parks when they traveled to Orlando. a) haven't visited b) didn't visit c) don't visit d) visited 6) Have you talked to Peter ...? Yes, I've ... talked to him. a) yet / just b) yet / yet c) still / just d) ever / just 7) We ... ... to Italy. We are planning to go back next year. a) have stayed b) have visited c) have been d) have gone 8) "Where's your dad?" - "He ... ... to the bank." a) went b) did go c) has been d) has gone 9) We have done pilates ... 4 months. a) since b) for c) in d) about 10) "How long has Cindy been married?" - "... last year." a) for b) since c) over d) on


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