He must be here. - Určitě tu je., He has to be here. - Musí tu být., He can be here. - Může tu být., He may be here. - Možná tu je., He had to be here. - Musel tu být., He needn't be here. - Nemusí tu být., He didn't need to be here. - Nemusel tu být., He mustn't be here. - Nesmí tu být., He mustn't have been here. - Nesměl tu být., He could have been here. - Mohl zde být., He could be here. - Mohl by tu být., He should be here. - Měl by tu být., He should have been here. - Měl tu být., He is here. - Je tu., He was here. - Byl tu., He has been here. - Byl a je tu.,

Modal verbs - different meanings - translation B1


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