1) There is ... milk in the bottle. a) much b) many c) a lot 2) There are ... lemons in the tree. a) much b) many c) a lot of 3) There isn't ... rice in the bowl. a) much b) many 4) There is ... sugar in the jar. a) much b) many 5) There are ... potatoes in the bag. a) much b) many 6) There isn't ... water in the glass. a) much b) many 7) There are ... eggs in the basket. a) much b) many c) a lot of 8) There aren't ... biscuits on the plate. a) much b) many 9) There is ... chocolate pudding in the bowl. a) a lot b) a lot of 10) There are ... muffins in the box. a) a lot b) a lot of 11) There are so ..... apples in the basket! a) much b) many c) a lot of 12) There isn't ..... ketchup on the pizza slice. a) much b) many c) a lot

Much, Many, A lot of - 4th grade


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