1) Our company offers many ............ now. You can be a manager or travel abroad in the future if you are ambitious. a) career paths b) career breaks c) career opportunities 2) I prefer a ............, to be honest. It's regular and I don't work more than that. a) nine-to-five b) antisocial hours c) overtime 3) I got a phone call from my ............ . He is doing some meeting at our office and we have to come. a) superior b) employee c) attend 4) I ............ last week. There are some personal cuts right now and I also must leave the work. a) got the sack b) got laid off c) got fired 5) It's a good idea to have a ............ before you decide to apply for a job that you dream of. a) career move b) career ladder c) career plan 6) Don't use social media at work. It can ............ your image as a professional. a) reject b) damage c) convey 7) I think I will ............ next year. I'm already 59 and I don't think I want to work more. a) retire b) work flexitime c) make a living 8) It's extremely ............ to dress smartly when you go to a job interview. a) self-reliant b) convenient c) essential 9) As a customer service worker, you have to ............ different people every day. a) be in charge b) complain c) deal with 10) I don't think we can meet tomorrow. My ............ is already full and I will not have time. a) schedule b) service c) survey 11) People who try to climb the ............ often forget about their family life, which is a little bit sad. a) career move b) career ladder c) career path 12) Be yourself, be original! Don't try to ............ with the others.  a) fit in b) convey c) cultivate 13) My younger brother wants to ............ with his friend and he needs my advice. a) earn a business b) get a business c) run a business 14) At the beginning of the career, try to ............ as many meetings as possible so the boss knows that you care. a) attend b) investigate c) go ahead 15) Don't take offers too fast. But also try not to ............ them fast, too. a) reject b) retire c) damage

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