E4 Speak and write effectively using English relevant to academic purpose : Speak clearly and coherently in accordance with academic purpose and environment, Take relevant notes from lectures and print material in clear, legible, retrievable format, Participate in discussion on contemporary issues, Read and interpret articles and/or passages on a range of contemporary issues, Write long and short texts with clarity and accuracy, in prescribed academic or other given format, Write a short assignment in English, summarizing the principal arguments on a selected academic topic, E5 Deliver a presentation and contribute to group discussion on contemporary issues in Australian society : Deliver a presentation to a peer group on a contemporary issue in Australia society, Outline a range of contemporary issues in Australian society, with clarity and appropriate visual aids, Present relevant information / ideas in a coherent, logical manner, Contribute to presentations by others through effective listening, questioning and/or discussion, as required, Use academic English in context, as appropriate to the presentation topic, Speak clearly and accurately in accepted form and style for resenting information and ideas, E6 Present major assignments in accordance with academic language and format requirements : Write a research essay with referencing and quotations according to academic format and language requirements, Write a research report with referencing, quotations and appendices according to academic language and format requirements, Review document production/s with tutors / colleagues, including: prescribed format, academic English requirements, modifying for final presentation as required, Retain copies of draft and final document/s to ensure safe keeping and ease of retrieval ,
NAT10950001 - Employ English language skills commensurate with academic purpose (part B)
Technical / Vocational
CERT IV University Preparation
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