1) At what time do we ______________ ? a) began b) begin c) begun d) started e) finished 2) This house was ________________ in the 19th century. a) built b) build c) builded d) began e) left 3) I _______________ it was you! a) known b) thought c) have knew d) know e) knew 4) We must ________ before they get home. a) left b) gone c) going d) leave e) leaft 5) Oh no, I think I ____________ my keys again... a) lose b) losed c) have lost d) lost e) left 6) I ________ new __________ during the holidays! a) made friends b) make friends c) makes friends d) made friend e) met friend 7) Did you team _____________ the Smith Team? a) beat b) win c) lose d) lost e) beaten 8) My sister ___________ (that) she is funny. a) know b) knows c) think d) thinks 9) I ________________ to take my passport with me to the airport. a) forgot b) have forgotten c) forget 10) We must ________________ at the next stop. a) got off b) stand out c) get off

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