1) The fine ____ include painting, sculpture, architecture,mussic, photography and poetry.2)Sometimes, people in a country enjoy or make art to celebrate their ____. 3) During group work I ____ with my classmates. 4) Formula 1 is an event whre people race cars. ____ compete for 1st place. 5) Everyone should be ____ themselved and of who they are 6) In China racers in dragon boats must cooperate and ____ together to win. 7) We made small plates out of ____ in art class. 12) People try to keep their history ____ by holding on to their traditions.13) I cleaned the window with a piece of ____. 14) ____ in Ghana hold on to their tradition of ____ beautiful cloth. 15) Tourists visit Paris to see the Louvre Museum and the Eiffel Tower. 16) Sometimes, when you are proud of something you 've done you want to ____ it with others. 1 20) When people in an older generation teach others from a younger generatio to cook different dishes or tell stories, it helps families to ____ their traditions and to their culture. 8) You live in a ____ with your family and neighbours. 9) In your family your parents are one ____ and your grqand parents another one. 10) Some people tell stories by talking and other write them down. In Laos, ____ isn't done only with words. Dancers tell stories with their hands. 11) When you share a story with a younger person, you ____. 7) ____ is another important part of a country's culture. 18) Every year on Devcember 31stpeople in Europe celebratte the start of the new year with big firework displays- it's a ____. 19) In a city in Spain it is a ____ to have a parade with giant pieces of art.

Our World Unit 5 Vocabulary 1 Gap fill


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