1) How would you define “love”? 2) Do you believe in love at first sight? Why/ why not? 3) Describe an ideal date 4) On a scale of 1 to 10, how romantic are you? 5) What are the benefits of being single? 6) Why do some people cheat on their partners? 7) Would you like to date a celebrity? Why/why not? 8) Why do some people stay in dysfunctional relationships? 9) “All is fair in love and war” – true or false? 10) Should we tell our partners about past relationship secrets? Why/why not? 11) What are your ways of dealing with unwanted romantic attention? 12) What is the most romantic marriage proposal you have ever heard of? 13) How much do you like going to wedding parties? 14) What is your favorite love story?


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