el esquince - the sprain, grave - grave, serious, el tratamiento - treatment, la cicatriz - scar, mark, el dolor - pain, ache, el diagnóstico - diagnosis, la inyeccion, la vacuna - injection, vaccine, la pildora/la pastilla - pill, la receta - prescription, la enfermedad - illness, la viruela - chicken pox/ virus, la magulladura - bruise, la quemadura - burn, la herida, la lástima - wound, injury, el infarto - heart attack, el resfriado - cold (illness), sano - healthy (as a person), enfermo - sick, ill, la fiebre - the fever, contagioso - contagious, infectious, la roncha - swelling, respirar - to breathe, morir - to die, la picadura - the sting/ bite, engordar - to get fat, to gain weight, estornudar - to sneeze, el gripe - the flu, toser , el tos - to cough, the cough, hincharse - to swell up; to become swollen, descansar - to rest,


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