1) Count the total value of coins. a) 2 dollars b) 3 dollars c) 4 dollars 2) Count the total value of coins. a) 8 dollars b) 6 dollars c) 9 dollars 3) Count the total value of coins. a) 4 dollars and 30 cents b) 3 dollars and 50 cents c) 4 dollars and 50 cents 4) Count the total value of coins. a) 8 dollars b) 10 dollars c) 9 dollars 5) Count the total value of coins. a) 5 dollars b) 4 dollars c) 7 dollars 6) Count the total value of coins. a) 4 dollars and 30 cents b) 5 dollars and 20 cents c) 5 dollars and 30 cents 7) Count the total value of coins. a) 8 dollars b) 10 dollars c) 12 dollars 8) Count the total value of coins. a) 16 dollars b) 18 dollars c) 13 dollars 9) Count the total value of coins. a) 7 dollars and 20 cents b) 5 dollars and 20 cents c) 6 dollars and 20 cents 10) Count the total value of coins. a) 5 dollars and 60 cents b) 5 dollars and 70 cents c) 5 dollars and 80 cents 11) Count the total value of coins. a) 10 dollars and 40 cents b) 10 dollars and 60 cents c) 10 dollars and 50 cents 12) Count the total value of coins. a) 17 dollars and 20 cents b) 16 dollars and 20 cents c) 15 dollars and 20 cents 13) Count the total value of coins. a) 5 dollars and 90 cents b) 5 dollars and 80 cents c) 6 dollars 14) Count the total value of coins. a) 18 dollars and 70 cents b) 18 dollars and 50 cents c) 14 dollars and 60 cents

Total value of coins


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