1) делать домашнее задание a) shout b) draw on the desk c) do homework d) talk on the mobile 2) играть в футбол a) do homework b) play football c) talk on the mobile d) drink cola 3) кричать a) shout b) listen to the teacher c) clean the board d) play football 4) слушать учителя a) listen to the teacher b) drink cola c) do homework d) draw on the desk 5) мыть доску a) draw on the desk b) talk on the mobile c) drink cola d) clean the board 6) рисовать на парте a) do homework b) shout c) draw on the desk d) clean the board 7) болтать по телефону a) talk on the mobile b) drink cola c) draw on the desk d) listen to the teacher 8) пить лимонад a) listen to the teacher b) do homework c) drink cola d) shout

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