1) 4/4 and 2/4 a) > b) < c) = 2) 2/5 and 2/5 a) = b) < c) > 3) 5/6 and 6/6 a) < b) > c) = 4) Paolo has 6 brownies and divided it in to equal parts.Jedd ate 2pcs,and Deinniel ate 2 pcs.Who ate more brownies? a) Jedd and Paolo b) Jedd c) Jedd and Deinniel 5) Mommy went shopping,she bought total of 8bags.she gave 4 bags to Paolo and 2 bags for daddy.Who got the more shopping bags? a) Paolo b) Mommy c) Daddy 6) Arrange the order of fractions (ascending) a) 3/4,9/4,18/4 b) 18/4, 9/4,3/4 c) 9/4,18/4, 3/4

Comapring Similar Fraction,order of fractions


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