1) It is the response of the body and mind to unpleasant events in life. a) Distress b) Eustress c) Stress d) Trauma 2) It refers to the situation or thing that causes stress. a) Hassles b) Hypothalamus c) Phobia d) Stressor 3) It is a positive and healthy response of the body from a stressor. a) Alarm b) Distress c) Eustress d) Exhaustion 4) It refers to a negative reaction of the body towards a given stressor. a) Distress b) Eustress c) Exhaustion d) Resistance 5) It is a system that releases hormones that travel through the bloodstream to the adrenal, thyroid, and other glands of the body. a) Digestive System b) Endocrine System c) Nervous System d) Respiratory System



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