1) страдать от a) definite b) suffer from c) to keep to a diet d) keep fit 2) быть на диете a) to be on a diet b) definitely c) soft d) fry 3) соблюдать диету a) soft b) ride c) to keep to a diet d) suffer from 4) жарить a) dairy products b) soft c) fry d) definite 5) сливки a) to be on a diet b) bitter c) cream d) keep fit 6) мягкий a) soft b) bitter c) to keep to a diet d) definite 7) творог a) to keep to a diet b) definitely c) cottage cheese d) definite 8) молочные продукты a) bitter b) bicycle c) soft d) dairy products 9) горький, резкий a) bitter b) cream c) ride d) definite 10) определенный a) definite b) cottage cheese c) my cup of tea d) ride 11) определенно a) definitely b) soft c) to be on a diet d) ride 12) кататься a) bicycle b) cottage cheese c) to keep to a diet d) ride 13) велосипед a) to keep to a diet b) dairy products c) bicycle d) my cup of tea 14) в моем вкусе a) definitely b) my cup of tea c) to be on a diet d) bicycle 15) держать себя в форме a) keep fit b) definite c) fry d) my cup of tea


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