1) He _______ in school. a) runs b) run 2) She ______her lunch. a) eat b) eats 3) I _____ on the mat. a) nap b) naps 4) My dog _____ after the cat. a) runs b) run 5) The fish _____ in the water. a) swim b) swims 6) Daniel _______ six kids. a) help b) helps 7) My mom _____very well. a) cook b) cooks 8) They _____fast. a) walk b) walks 9) We _____him. a) like b) likes 10) Kids _____.  a) dig b) digs 11) Dogs ______ very fast. a) run b) runs 12) Ducks ______. a) dip b) dips 13) The kid ______.  a) paint b) paints 14) Kids ______ blueberries. a) pick b) picks 15) Dan ______ slowly . a) walk b) walks

Third person singular practice 01


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