1) I don't like eating chicken, .... does she. a) too b) so c) either d) neither 2) She can sing, I... too. a) does b) sings c) can d) sing 3) I'm into soap operas, they ... too a) does b) do c) have d) are 4) Jack isn't a good singer, Mary isn't... a) so b) too c) neither d) either 5) She won't have a cup of coffee, I ... either. a) haven't b) don't c) won't d) will 6) I have to sleep well, ... does Mike. a) too b) so c) either d) neither 7) We can't play soccer, ... ... Julie. a) neither/can b) either/can't c) can/neither d) can't either 8) I'm going to travel next week, ... ... my sister. a) is/too b) too/is c) is/so d) so/is 9) My brother isn't coming to the party, Jane ... ... a) won't/either b) isn't/either c) isn't/neither d) neither/isn't 10) We have to take a break, Luke... ... a) takes/too b) has/too c) does/too d) is/too


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