1) Electric cell is a source of a) shadow b) sound c) electricity d) cooling 2) A device used to break an electric circuit or complete it si known as _______ . a) filament b) insulator c) conductor d) switch 3) Which of the following is an insulator a) copper b) plastic c) brass d) aluminum 4) The direction of flow of electrons in a circuit is from _________ terminal a) positive to positive b) negative to negative c) positive to negative d) negative to positive 5) Cell is a device which _________ . a) electrical energy into light energy b) converts chemical energy into electrical energy c) electrical energy into magnetic energy d) None of these 6) A bulb has ________ . a) one terminal b) three terminals c) two terminals d) zero terminals 7) A bulb will only glow in ________  a) an open circuit b) a closed circuit c) both open and closed circuits d) no circuit 8) To prevent electric shocks, the metallic electrical wires are covered with a) paper b) cotton c) aluminium d) plastic 9) A broken circuit and a closed circuit mean the same thing. a) True b) False 10) A fused bulb glows dim. a) True b) False 11) A sheet of thermocol is a good conductor. a) True b) False 12) Secondary cells are rechargeable cells. a) True b) False


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