1) out of neccessity a) too old and damaged to be used any longer b) permission to do sth c) because it must be done d) choose to 2) savvy a) choose to b) gradually increasing c) preoccupation d) sb who knows a lot about sth 3) relentlessly a) endlessly b) randomly c) end with a specific result d) rich 4) stalk a) quickly b) follow and watch sb all the time in a threat c) persuade sb to do sth by making it seem attractive d) happening among a lot of people 5) unrelated a) not connected b) approximately , about c) happening among a lot of people d) out of neccessity 6) randomly a) sourced from b) relentlessly c) out-of-date d) without a regular pattern 7) compromise a) opt for b) tempt c) risk losing/harming sth that is important d) emulate 8) turn off a) end with a specific result b) appear c) disable d) emerge 9)  sourced from a) widespread b) out-of-date c) obtained d) obsolete 10) tempt a) persuade sb to do sth by making it seem attractive b) permission to do sth c) preoccupation d) later in the future 11) emerge a) appear b) approximately , about c) tempt d) imitate 12) corporation a) obsession b) a big company c) sourced from d) compromise 13) complex a) imitate b) obsolete c) mounting d) not simple 14) mounting a) obsolete b) imitate c) widespread d) gradually increasing 15) obsolete a) savvy b) stalk c) out-of-date d) mounting 16) opt for a) end with a specific result b) choose to c) pledge d) savvy 17) pledge a) promise b) persuade sb to do sth by making it seem attractive c) emulate d) culminate 18) widespread a) happening among a lot of people b) later in the future c) use d) a big company 19) in light of a) later in the future b) after considering sth, because of c) promise d) randomly 20) obsession a) use b) after considering sth, because of c) compromise d) preoccupation 21) culminate a) approximately , about b) gradually increasing c) end with a specific result d) emulate 22) consent a) after considering sth, because of b) randomly c) sourced from d) permission to do sth 23) in the long run a) later in the future b) persuade sb to do sth by making it seem attractive c) randomly d) a big company 24) rapidly a) later in the future b) roughly c) quickly d) wealthy 25) roughly a) quickly b) approximately , about c) persuade sb to do sth by making it seem attractive d) randomly 26) wealthy a) savvy b) approximately c) rich d) gradually increasing 27) worn out a) preoccupation b) too old and damaged to be used any longer c) obsolete d) widespread 28) emulate a) appear b) pledge c) imitate d) promise 29) mindless a) out-of-date b) out of neccessity c) done without thought d) not simple 30) utilise a) done without thought b) use c) rich d) sourced from


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