1) I'm not hungry. a) So am I. b) So I am. c) Neither am I. d) Neither I am. 2) I'm staying at the Hotel Europe. a) Neither I am. b) Neither am I.  c) So am I. d) So I am. 3) I ___________ like the restaurant. a) am b) do c) not d) has 4) I had a good meal there last night. a) Did you? b) Had you?  c) Have you? d) Hadn't you?  5) Didn't you like your job? a) I did like the job. b) I like the job. c) Didn't I like the job. d) I liked the job. 6) I couldn't stand my boss. a) Could you? b) Couldn't you? c) You couldn't. d) Can't you? 7) I think I need a new challenge. a) So do I. b) So I do. c) Neither do I. d) Neither I don't. 8) We can compare notes, ________? a) we can't b) can we? c) can't we?  d) we can? 9) I'm supposed to go home now, _________? a) amn't I b) aren't I c) isn't I d) don't I 10) There wasn't enough time, ________? a) was there b) was it c) wasn't it d) were they 11) Mary'd come if you asked her, ________? a) would she b) had she c) wouldn't she d) hadn't she 12) Everyone warned you, _________? a) did they b) didn't he c) didn't it d) didn't they 13) She's hurt her wrist, _______? a) isn't she b) hasn't she c) didn't she d) has she 14) Denis didn't even try to calm her, and ________. a) neither was Jim b) nor was Jim c) nor did Jim d) neither Jim did 15) We can rent a flat together, and ________. a) so can you b) neither can't you c) so you can't d) nor you can 16) They will be taken to the airport. a) Won't they? b) Will they not? c) Will they? d) Are they? 17) I have never told you I was from New York. a) Have you? b) You have.   c) You did. d) Haven't you? 18) Sally couldn't speak French when she was ten. a) I could. b) Couldn't she?  c) Could she? d) So could I.


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