1) I'm tired. -- He said he ... tired a)  is b) was c) will be 2) I'm going to watch TV all day. -- He said he ... to watch TV all day. a) was going b) is going c) had gone 3) They haven't bought this house. -- I said that they ... this house. a) haven't bought b) didn't buy c) hadn't bought 4) We will be late. -- We said we ... late. a) would be b) will be c) are going to be 5) I can't swim very well. -- He said he ... very well. a) couldn't swim b) can't swam c) can't swimming 6) This film isn't a waste of time. -- He said this film ... a waste of time. a) isn't b) wasn't c) won't be 7) You can go out tonight. -- My mum said I ... out tonight. a) could go b) can go c) could went 8) He told me that he ... the clouds. a) sees b) is seeing c) saw 9) Jason said (that) he ... like spinach. a) doesn't b) don't c) didn't 10) I get up every morning at seven o'clock, Peter said. a) Peter said he got up every morning at seven o'clock. b) Peter said I got up every morning at seven o'clock. c) Peter said he had got up every morning at seven o'clock.

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