1. A: Excuse me, I'm looking for somewhere that sells paper. Can you ____ me? B: Sure. You ____ to go to 'Clips' on the High Street. 2. A: Is ____ clear? B: No, sorry, can you ____ that, please? A: Sure. Take 9.52 train. 3. A: Sorry, I missed that. What ____ I need to do? B: Read the paragraph, then answer the questions. A: Which paragraph is it? B: ____ this one here. 4. A: Excuse me. ____ you help me? What bus do I need to get to the train station? B: Yeah, sure. You need ____ take bus number 5. 5. A: Please, write your name at the top of the page. Is that ____? B: Sorry, where? Can you repeat ____, please? 6. A: Here's the letter for your school trip. B: ____ do I need to do with it now? A: Your parents must sign it, then bring it back to me. Did you ____ that? 7. A: There are two books with the same name here. Which ____ is it? B: Oh, right, sorry! It's ____ one here with the blue cover.

Roadmap A2 Plus. Unit 1D


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