1) No more than 12 a) A reservation b) A symposium c) Less than 13 d) A location 2) We are very grateful a) A location b) Midday meal c) Prior to d) Thank you very much 3) A company a) A firm b) It is possible for you... c) Fragile d) An agreement 4) Half past three in the afternoon a) The HR ( Human Resources ) Department b) Three thirty p.m. c) As well d) To modify 5) At the weekend a) On Saturday and Sunday b) I apologise c) To modify d) Less than 13 6) You can... a) An executive b) As well c) Once every six months d) It is possible for you... 7) A warehouse a) An executive b) Prior to c) Storage facilities d) I apologise 8) Simplified a) Fragile b) Sure c) Made less complicated d) A firm 9) A top manager a) My colleagues b) Once every six months c) An executive d) Made less complicated 10) Also a) As well b) A symposium c) Prior to d) Building 11) Certain a) Sure b) I apologise c) To modify d) The initial... 12) Has improved a) Rarely b) Is better c) An executive d) Storage facilities 13) Free a) The initial... b) To modify c) A symposium d) At no cost 14) Lunch a) A location b) The initial... c) It is possible for you... d) Midday meal 15) Twice a year a) In full b) Three thirty p.m. c) Once every six months d) A firm 16) A place a) Fragile b) A location c) An agreement d) Thank you very much 17) Completely a) In full b) As well c) At no cost d) An executive 18) To change a) To modify b) Building c) My colleagues d) Is better 19) To buy a) Building b) To purchase c) In full d) It is possible for you... 20) Before a) My colleagues b) To purchase c) Storage facilities d) Prior to 21) Easily breakable a) I apologise b) Midday meal c) Fragile d) Rarely 22) A conference a) To purchase b) It is possible for you... c) An executive d) A symposium 23) Construction a) Building b) As well c) It is possible for you... d) Is better 24) The Personnel Department a) Building b) My colleagues c) The HR ( Human Resources ) Department d) A location 25) Sorry a) The HR ( Human Resources ) Department b) I apologise c) As well d) It is possible for you... 26) A contract a) Thank you very much b) Building c) An agreement d) Midday meal 27) A booking a) Prior to b) A reservation c) An agreement d) The HR ( Human Resources ) Department 28) The first... a) Sure b) Thank you very much c) The initial... d) In full 29) Hardly ever a) Once every six months b) Less than 13 c) Rarely d) At no cost 30) My workmates a) Rarely b) My colleagues c) An agreement d) An executive

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