The daily routines of a sportswomanJanet is an athlete, and she ____ up at 4:30 am every weekday morning. She ____ the first 30 minutes reading and then 15 minutes meditating. At 5:15 am Janet ____ her email for only 30 minutes and then goes for her first run of the day. She ____ for an hour and a half along the lake near her house. After running, Janet ____ a shower and then ____ breakfast, which is usually cereal and fruit. She usually ____ breakfast at around 8 am. If it is a weekday, she always ____ the house at 8:20 and goes to training. Her training ____ at 9 am. She ____ for 3 hours with her team and then ____ home for lunch. She always eats a very big and healthy lunch. As soon as she finishes lunch, she has a nap for one hour. In the evening, during the week, she ____with friends. She typically goes to bed at 9 pm because she prefers to be awake in the morning than at night. She sometimes ____ asleep listening to music, but she never ____ the television or ____ anything on her tablet.

Reading-daily routine


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