1) Ben _________ reading a book now. a) IS b) AM c) ARE 2) Kat and Tom ______ studying in the bedroom. a) IS b) AM c) ARE 3) I _______ doing my homework right now. a) AM b) IS c) ARE 4) Silvia _________ listening to music. a) IS b) AM c) ARE 5) My dad _____ cooking in the kitchen. a) AM b) IS c) ARE 6) My brothers _____ playing in the living room. a) IS b) AM c) ARE 7) My sister ____ watching TV in the bedroom. a) AM b) IS c) ARE 8) I ____ playing football in the garden. a) AM b) IS c) ARE 9) Seb ____ doing shopping at the moment. a) AM b) ARE c) IS 10) Tom and Andy ____ filming a movie today. a) ARE b) AM c) IS

***Choose AM / IS / ARE - The Present Continuous Tense***


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