1) j___n our team a) aw b) oi 2) cole sl___ a) aw b) oi 3) multiple ch___ce a) aw b) oi 4) Mowing the l___n. a) aw b) oi 5) She has a great singing v___ce. a) aw b) oi 6) bear cl___ a) aw b) oi 7) Chapstick helps keep your lips m___st. a) aw b) oi 8) The arrow p___nts to the right. a) aw b) oi 9) The sun th____s the ice. a) aw b) oi 10) The snake c___ls its body around the branch. a) aw b) oi 11) His j__ hurts. a) aw b) oi 12) __l and vinegar a) aw b) oi 13) The horses eat the str__ . a) aw b) oi

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