Correct: interment;; being forced to stay in a place, issue;; matter of point of discussion, dredge;;bring up, impact;; forceful effect, naturalization;; admitted to citizenship, emigration;;resettling in another countrynaturalization;;, issei;; first generation; born in Japan, nisel;; second generation; born in US before wwIIissei;;, sansei;; third generation; born in US after wwII, Incorrect: interment;;bring up, issue;; forceful effect, dredge;; forceful effect, impact;; admitted to citizenship, naturalization;;;resettling in another countryna, emigration;;admitted to citizenship, issei;;born in US before before wwII, nisel;; thrid generation;born in US when the wwII, sansei;; second generation;; Born in US after wwII,

manzanar foreword, chronology terms


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