1) did mothera die in king of the monsters. a) motra died b) mothra did not die 2) did godzilla die in king of the monsters. a) no he did not die b) he absalotly did not die c) yes he did die d) he absaloty died 3) in godzilla kingkong vs godzilla who won. a) meka godzilla b) kingkong c) godzilla d) kingkong and godzilla. 4) in king kong vs godzilla when thay last fot who basickly won. a) godzilla b) king kong 5) in king of the monsters who won a) king kedora b) godzilla c) rodan d) mothera e) fire godzilla 6) in godzilla vs king kong who whent undere the erth a) king kong b) godzilla c) meka godzilla 7) who killed meka godzilla a) king kong b) godzilla c) or he killed him sellf d) king king and godzilla 8) ho finished mekagodzilla off a) king kong b) him c) godzilla 9) what state was godzilla made a) jupan b) usa c) alasca d) united kingdom 10) in the one whith too alions what where there names a) muto b) mothra c) gedora d) rodan e) a giant cat f) a giant armadilo 11) in the movie whith mutos who won a) godzilla b) the muto's 12) do muto's hach from egg's a) yes b) no

how much do you now about all the godzilla moves.


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