WOULD LIKE: I _____ to go dancing., I ______ some coffee., ____________ to have some fun?, My brother _________ to buy a car., He _____________ to eat pizza today. , ___________ to watch a movie with me?, LIKE: What do you _______ doing?, Do you _____ hiking?, I _______ like coffee., I ________ my coworkers, they are nice., I ________ my job, I have worked there for 8 years., I _________ japanese food., WOULD PREFER/WOULD RATHER: Comedies are ok. But I _______ to see an action movie tonight., I _________ go out tonight. , I _________watch football than a movie., We __________ to discuss this problem with you., She _________ tell me the truth than lie., I like meeting people but these days I __________ to stay in the house.,


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