TRUE: We use the Present Simple tense to describe typical actions., We use the Present Simple tense to describe permanent situations., We use the Present Simple tense to describe true facts., For I/you/we/they, we use ⛹+infinitive verb in affriamtive sentences., For she/he/it, we use ⛹+ verb with -s/-es/-ies in affirmative sentences., For she/he/it, we use ⛹+DOESN'T+infinitive verb in negative sentences., For I/you/we/they, we use ⛹+DON'T+infinitive verb in negative sentences., To make questions, we use: DO/DOES+⛹+infinitive verb...?, The 3rd person affirmative of the verb STUDY is studies., The 3rd person affirmative of the verb PLAY is plays., FALSE: We use the Present Simple tense to describe actions happening now., We add -s/-es/-ies in all affirmative sentences., For she/he/it, we use ⛹+DOESN'T + verb with -s/-es/-ies in negative sentences., The 3rd person affirmative of the verb PLAY is plaies., We use ⛹+not+verb to make negative sentences., For she/he/it, we always use the verb with -s/-es/-ies., To make questions, we use: verb+⛹+...?, The 3rd person affirmative of the verb WATCH is watchs.,


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