1) If you had won the lottery, what would you have bought? 2) If you had more time this week, what would have done? 3) If you hadn’t started learning English, which language would you have chosen? 4) If you had been born 100 years ago, how would your life have been different? 5) If you had been born a king, what would you have done? 6) If you had been born with superpowers, what would you have done differently in life? 7) If you had found $1000 in the street this morning, what would you have done? 8) If you had been the president during the pandemic, what would you have done? 9) If you had chosen a different location for your last vacation, where would you have picked? 10) If you had been born the opposite sex, what would your name have been? 11) If you had lived in medieval times, what would you have done for work? 12) If there hadn’t been a pandemic, what would you have done during that time? 13) If you hadn’t learned English, how would your life have been different? 14) If the internet had never been invented, what would have changed? 15) If your parents had decided to live somewhere else, how would your life have been different? 16) Who would have been your best friend if you had never met your current best friend? 17) How would the world have changed if we had invented teleportation? 18) How different would your life have been if you had never studied? 19) How different would your life have been if you had been born with 9 siblings? 20) How would your life have changed if you had been born in a different country? 21) What would you have worn if the weather had been different this morning? 22) What would you have done if there had been a fire this morning? 23) Where would you have gone to school if you had had the choice? 24) What time would you have woken up this morning if you had been able to choose? 25) What is a product you wouldn’t have bought if you had known it was bad. 26) What is a product you would have bought earlier if you had known how good it was? 27) What would you have done with your time if you hadn’t had so much homework growing up? 28) How would you have studied English if you hadn’t had access to a computer? 29) Which TV show would you have avoided if you had known it was bad. 30) Where would you have lived if you had been born as your favorite animal?

Gateway B1+ Unit 9 - third conditional questions


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