1) Choose the correct sentence. a) it is sunny today. b) It is sunny today c) It is sunny today. d) It sunny today. 2) Choose the correct sentence. a) I can make you a cup of tea. b) i can make you a cup of tea. c) I you make cup of tea. d) I can make you a cup of tea 3) Complete the sentence: I have three ......... a) dogs b) dogs. c) Dogs. d) dogs? 4) Choose the correct sentence. a) my birthday is in june b) My birthday is in june. c) my birthday is in June. d) My birthday is in June. 5) Complete the sentence: We are going to ........ a) spain. b) Spain c) Spain. d) Spain, 6) Choose the correct sentence. a) Lucy cat's name my is. b) My cat's name is Lucy. c) My Lucy cat's name is. d) Cat's name my Lucy is. 7) Which sentence makes sense? a) My bird sings. b) My bird flies to. c) My bird cooks dinner. d) My pretty bright bird. 8) Which of these is NOT a sentence? a) I cook healthy dinners. b) We eat healthy food. c) My family eats all vegetables. d) We fresh vegetables and fruit. 9) Which sentences matches the picture? a) The cat runs after the mouse. b) The mouse likes cheese. c) Children like Mickey Mouse. d) The mouse had five babies. 10) Choose the correct sentence. a) the bug is black and red, b) The black and red bug. c) The bug is black and red. d) The Bug is black and red


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