Do you smoke? Why is smoking bad for your health?, Do you know any home remedies for a cold? If 'yes', what?, Happy people often live longer. How can a person be happy?, How can exercise keep you happy?, Is going to bed early important for good health? If 'yes', how?, How can watching lots of TV affect your health?, Do you ever take vitamin pills to stay healthy? Why/Why not?, Do you eat enough healthy food?, How often do you catch a cold?, How often do you exercise? Do you get enough exercise?, Would you like to be a doctor? Why / Why not?, Are most people healthier today than 100 years ago?, Do you want to live to be 100 years old? Why / Why not?, How often do you go to the doctor?, How would you recommend treating the flu?, What are some things people can do to keep healthy?, Do you consider yourself to be healthy? Why?, Have you ever stopped doing something for your health?, What is your idea of a healthy diet?, Is it possible to have a healthy life style in modern world? If "yes", how?.



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