What is your favourite subject?, What time is it?, Is your birthday in December?, What colour is your hair?, What is your favourite color?, Is your birthday in summer?, How are you?, How old are you?, What's your surname?, Can you spell your name?, What's your name?, Are you from Italy?, Have you got a brother?, Where do you live?, Can you spell your name?, Do you have any brothers or sisters?, What are you wearing?, What colour are my eyes?, Is your house near school?, Are you wearing a yellow pair of trousers?, Do you like dark or light colours?, What colour are his shoes?, What are your favourite animals?, How many pens are on the desk?, Where is the book?, Is your pet fat?, Have you got any pets?, Is the door open or closed?, Go to the door, How many students are there?, How many boys and girls are there in your classroom?, How many windows are there in the room?, Stand up, please., Touch your nose., Show me your hair., Touch your t-shirt., Send a kiss., Touch your eyes., Do you like pizza?.


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