Mouth - Begins both chemical & mechanical digestion, Esophagus - Tube that connects mouth to stomach, Stomach - Breaks down food with both physical churning and acids, Small Intestine - Absorbs nutrients into bloodstream, lined with villi, Large Intestine - Absorbs water & transmits waste, Liver - Makes bile and filters blood, Pancreas - Makes enzymes & insulin to be released in small intestine, Gallbladder - Stores bile and releases it to small intestine, Mechanical Digestion - Physically breaking the food down into smaller pieces (chewing, stomach churning), Chemical Digestion - Using enzymes, acids, or other substances to break down food at the molecular level (saliva, bile, stomach acid), Bolus - Soft mass of chewed food that travels from the mouth to stomach, Chyme - Partially digested semi-fluid that leaves the stomach,


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