1) ........ refers to the skill of making pots, dishes, etc. from clay; or pots, dishes, etc. made with clay that are baked in an oven, especially when they are made by hand a) Sculptor b) Architect c) Potter d) Sculpture e) Architecture f) Pottery 2) What type of painting is it? It is a clear example of a(n) ........ painting. a) abstract b) still life c) portrait d) landscape e) reproduction f) cubism 3) What type of painting is it? It is a clear example of a(n) ........ painting. a) portrait b) lanscape c) landscape d) abstract e) reproduction f) still life 4) William Shakespeare was an English ........ who is often described as the greatest writer in the English language. a) poet and playwright b) novelist and poet c) poet and short story writer d) poetry and sonnets e) plays and poems f) novels and plays 5) Edgar Allan Poe was a US writer of ........ He was also an editor and a literary critic. a) poet and playwright b) novels and poems c) sonnets and plays d) short stories and poems e) plays and short stories f) poetry 6) On Saturdays there's a market in the city square where they sell all sorts of ........ Last weekend I bought some furniture and decorations made by hand. a) crafts b) arts and crafts c) works of art d) arts page e) arts lover f) fine art 7) Transylvania is the ........ for the beginning and end of the novel 'Dracula', and, since he had never been there, Stoker had to rely on research for his description of the country and its people. The rest of the novel takes place in England. a) plot b) character c) scene d) location e) setting f) opening passage 8) The most influential American novel ever written was Uncle's Tom Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe. The ........ influenced the anti-slavery movement. a) publication b) plot c) novelist d) bestsellers e) reviews f) extracts


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