Fabric - Cloth or material produced with fibers used for clothes, Factory - A building where things are manufactured, Collar - A part in a piece of clothing, like a polo, that goes around your neck, necklace - a piece of jewelry you put around your neck, soap - a substance used for washing your body, soup - a hot liquid food, carpet - thick material for covering floors, folder - a thin paper case where you keep your papers, approve - agree or accept as satisfactory, pass - get above a 5 on an exam, introduce - to tell someone another person´s name for the first time, enter - to put in (information), sensible - practical/rational, sensitive - emotional and easily hurt, success - the good outcome of a project, exit - a way out of a building, room or motorway, embarrassed - ashamed of something, pregnant - expecting a baby, actually - as a matter of fact (de hecho), currently - nowadays, date - a social or romantic appointment, data - quantities/operations performed by a computer,

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