1) past perfect continuous 2) past perfect 3) future in the past 4) would 5) used to 6) phrasal verbs 7) frequency adverbs 8) present habits (neutral) 9) present habits (disapproving) 10) past habits (neutral) 11) past habits (disapproving) 12) adverbs (1D/1F) 13) like 14) unlike 15) as 16) verb pattern (verb+infinitive) 17) verb pattern (verb+object+infinitive) 18) verb pattern (verb+object+base form) 19) verb pattern (verb+-ing form) 20) verb pattern (verb+object+past participle) 21) superlative + modifyer 22) comparative + modifyer 23) second conditional 24) third conditional 25) mixed conditional 26) as long as 27) supposing 28) unless 29) provided that 30) for 31) ellipsis


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