1) I haven't got a mum a) Correct b) Incorrect 2) I've got two aunts a) Correct b) Incorrect 3) I've got an uncle a) Correct b) Incorrect 4) I haven't got a grandma a) Correct b) Incorrect 5) I haven't got a grandad a) Correct b) Incorrect 6) Have you got two sisters? a) Yes, I have got. b) Yes, I have. 7) I've got a cousin a) Correct b) Incorrect 8) I ________ a sister a) have got b) haven't got 9) I______ a baby sister a) have got b) haven't got 10) Have you got three cousins? a) No, I haven't. b) No, I haven't got. 11) Have you got a wife? a) No, I haven't. b) Yes, I have. 12) Have you got a son? a) Yes, I have. b) No, I haven't.



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