1) What is a force? a) A force is a push, pull or twist. b) A force is the energy stored. c) A force is an effect that doesn't need contact. d) A force is a form of energy transfer. 2) What forces are put in action when a boat is driven? a) Upthrust, Gravity, Thrust, Air/Water Resistance b) Upthrust, Thrust, Air/Water Resistance c) Buoyancy, Gravity, Air/Water Resistance d) Upthrust, Gravity, Thrust, Friction 3) Where would you place an arrow for the force of friction? a) Placed behind the object, tip aiming forwards. b) Placed behind the object, tip aiming backwards. c) Placed in front of the object, tip aiming backwards. d) Placed above the object, tip aiming backwards. 4) What unit is used to measure weight in scientific terms? a) Grams (G/KG) b) Cubic CM (CM²) c) Litres (ML/L) d) Newtons (N) 5) How does a Newton Metre function? a) Newton Metres measure Newtons through twisting force. b) Newton Metres measure Newtons through pushing force. c) Newton Metres measure Newtons through pulling force. d) Newton Metres measure Newtons through grabbing force. 6) What is an unbalanced force? a) The result of an object moving fast. b) The result of an offset between both arrows. c) The result of an offset between an object's weight. d) The result of an object being moved by another force. 7) What equation is used to measure speed? a) Distance / Time = Speed b) Distance * Time = Speed c) Distance% of Time = Speed d) Time / Distance = Speed 8) Is energy measured in newtons? a) No, it is measured in grams. b) No, it is measured in pounds. c) Yes, it is measured in newtons. d) No, it is measured in joules. 9) What form of energy is primarily active when I hold a ball in the air? a) Mechanical Working b) Kinetic c) k.p.e d) g.p.e 10) What energy transfer occurs in a moving car? a) Kinetic = Mechanical Working b) Chemical > Thermal = Kinetic c) Thermal = Kinetic d) Kinetic = Thermal 11) What is an independent variable? a) The variable that stays the same, E.G the ramp used. b) The variable that is changed on purpose, E.G changing what object rolls down a ramp. c) The variable that is measured, E.G the time and distance recorded. d) The variable that is used to measure the experiment, E.G the stopwatch used. 12) What is a dependent variable? a) The variable that is changed on purpose, E.G changing what object rolls down a ramp. b) The variable that is measured, E.G the time and distance recorded. c) The variable that is used to measure the experiment, E.G the stopwatch used. d) The variable that stays the same, E.G the ramp used. 13) What is a control variable? a) The variable that is measured, E.G the time and distance recorded. b) The variable that is changed on purpose, E.G changing what object rolls down a ramp. c) The variable that is used to measure the experiment, E.G the stopwatch used. d) The variable that stays the same, E.G the ramp used. 14) How many times should you repeat an experiment? a) Preferably three times. b) Less than four times. c) Preferably four times. d) More than three times.


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