1) Do you like ......... phone calls? Explain. 2) Do you ........... your bed in the morning before you go to work? Why/why not? 3) When did you last ........... someone a favour? What was it? 4) How often do you .......... the laundry? 5) Do you often.......... a shopping list? 6) Do you like ................ household chores? 7) How do you react when people ............... noise in public transportation? 8) Do you .............. friends easily? 9) Have you ever .............. yoga? 10) When do you usually ............... breakfast? In the morning or the night before? 11) How do you feel about .............. homework after English lessons? 12) How often do you .............. exercises during the week? 13) When did you last .............. a mistake? 14) Who.............. the ironing in your family? 15) How often do you .............. an appointment with your dentist?


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