1) _____ you (ride) your bike when the accident ______ (happen)? a) did you ride / happened b) were you riding / happened 2) Wendy ___ (drive) to work when she _____ (crash) into a car. a) drove / crashed b) was driving / crashed c) drove / was crashing 3) While I ____ (climb) Old Mountain, it ____ (start) snowing. a) climbed / started b) was climbing / was starting c) was climbing / started 4) Mum ___ (brush) her teeth when I ___ (arrive) home.  a) was brushing / arrived b) brushed / arrived  5) Simon ___ (sit) under a tree when he ____ (see) a snake. a) was sitting / saw b) sat / saw 6) What ___ you (do) in the hospital when I ___ (see) you? a) were you doing / saw b) did you do / was seeing 7) Dad ____ (read) his newspaper when the ball ___ (hit) him. a) read / hit  b) was reading / hit 8) Last night at the party I ___ (dance) while my friends ___ (eat) sweets. a) danced / were eating  b) was dancing / was eating  c) was dancing / were eating 9) John ____ (play) football when he ____ (slip) and ___ (fall). a) played / slipped and fell b) was playing / slipped and falled c) was playing / slipped and fell 10) Last night I _____ (find) a cockroach in my kitchen while I ____ (cook) dinner a) was finding / was cooking b) found / cooked c) found / was cooking


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