What's something you are terrified __ ? - What's something you are terrified of?, What's something you are deeply interested __ ? - What's something you are deeply interested in?, Who's someone you are very proud __ ? - Who's someone you are very proud of?, What's something you are fed up __ ? - What's something you are fed up with?, What's something you are good __ ? - What's something you are good at?, What's something you can easily get annoyed __ ? - What's something you can easily get annoyed about?, Who's someone you are a bit jealous __ ? - Who's someone you are a bit jealous of?, What are you hopeless __ ? - What are you hopeless at?, Who in your family are you very different __ ? - Who in your family are you very different from?, What are you absolutely tired __ ? - What are you absolutely tired of?, What are you responsible __ at home? - What are you responsible for at home?, What can't you get used __ in New Zealand? - What can't you get used to in New Zealand?, What are you excited __ in the future? - What are you excited about in the future?, Who of your friends are you most similar __ ? - Who in your family are you very similar to?, What were you surprised __ when you first came to live here? - What were you surprised by/at when you first came to live here?, What leisure activity are you most keen __ ? - What leisure activity are you most keen on?,

Adjective and preposition conversation


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