1) Could you give me a ... with something? a) need b) hand c) help d) sure 2) Would you ... helping me? a) mine b) help c) give d) mind 3) I'll be with you in a ... . a) minute b) help c) anything d) hand 4) Thanks for ... ! a) helps b) helped c) helping d) any 5) Do you need anything ... ? a) else b) for c) any d) me 6) That's really ... of you! a) niece b) nicer c) nice d) the nicest 7) What can I do ... you? a) of b) in c) for d) to 8) That ...be great, thanks a) is b) not c) wood d) would 9) No, I'm ..., but thanks anyway. a) fine b) find c) for d) five 10) Do you ... any help? a) no b) need c) needs d) leed

WW4 Asking and offering help


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