1) She ___________ 30 years old. a) is b) has 2) They _____ from Brazil. a) isn't b) are 3) The new student ______ from Russia. a) is b) are 4) Sophie ________ at work. She _____ ill. a) isn't / is b) is / aren't 5) We _________ new in town. _____ this the Central Park? a) aren't / Are b) are / Is c) is / Is 6) -_____ Joe at work? -Yes, he______. a) Are / are b) Isn't / isn't c) Is / is 7) -Where ______ you from? - I ____ from Spain. a) do / come b) is / am c) are / 'm 8) I ____ Spanish. I ____ Colombian. a) 'm / am b) 'm not / 'm c) aren't / am 9) Her parents__________ 80 years old. a) are b) have c) has 10) -Why _________ you happy? -Because I _____ in love.  a) do / is b) are / am c) have / am 11) -______ it sunny today? -No, it________ . It's cloudy. a) Is / isn't b) Is / is c) Are / aren't 12) -______ you hungry? -No, I_______. I'm too anxious about the meeting.  a) Are / am b) Are / don't c) Are/ am not 13) Where____ he? He______ always / never late. a) isn't / is b) is / are c) is / is 14) Some TV shows in that channel __________ funny. Reality Shows _____________ always very bad. a) are / is b) aren't / are c) are / are   15) Water boils at 100º. That _________ a fact. a) does b) are c) is 16) I ______ always / never hungry a) am b) is c) are

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