If I had more free time, (grałbym) __________________________ tennis more often - I would play, I'll pass my exams, if I .........................(study) hard - study, She won’t go with us if / unless she feels better. - unless, If I were you, I .............................. (buy) this dress. - would buy, If it is sunny tomorrow, we go / will go cycling - will go, If you ...................(heat) ice, it melts - heat, ZDANIA WARUNKOWE TYPU 0 - KONSTRUKCJA - IF + PRESENT SIMPLE, PRESENT SIMPLE, What .......................... (you / do) if somebody attacked you in the street? - would you do, ZDANIA WARUNKOWE TYPU 1 - KONSTRUKCJA - IF + PRESENT SIMPLE, FUTURE SIMPLE, If I .................. (win) the lottery, I would travel to England - won, I’m afraid I won’t finish it today (chyba że poczuję się) ...........better. - unless I feel, If I see her tomorrow, I ................ (tell) her about it. - will tell / 'll tell, ZDANIA WARUNKOWE TYPU 2 - KONSTRUKCJA - IF + PAST SIMPLE, WOULD + BEZOKOLICZNIK, Of course I’ll help her (jeżeli poprosi) ................. me - if she asks,


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