1) If I ... a car, I wouldn't walk to work everyday. a) had b) will have c) would have 2) If Peter won the lottery, he ... a Ferrari.  a) bought b) would buy c) will buy 3) I would go to the doctor immediately if I ... you, a) were b) was c) would be 4) What would you do if you... a wallet in the street? a) would find b) did find c) found 5) I ... forgive Sophie if I were you. a) wouldn't b) won't c) don't 6) ... you go to Brenda's party, if you weren't busy? a) Did b) Will c) would 7) If I were you, I ... Kevin the truth. a) will tell b) would tell c) told 8) What would she do if she … a snake? a) see b) saw c) did see 9) I would help you if I ... time.  a) have b) had c) would have 10) If she had money, she ... that hat. It's nice. a) buy b) bought c) would buy 11) What ... you do if you won the lottery? a) would b) will c) did 12) Would you feel sad if you... your leg before the race? a) broke b) break c) would break 13) If you ... the President, how would you feel? a) meet b) would meet c) met 14) Where would you go if you... a motorbike for your birthday? a) get b) got c) would get


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