What similar festivals do we have in Brazil?, In your opinion, what's the most interesting festival in our country? When does it happen?, In your opinion, what's the most interesting festival in our country? How long does it last?, In your opinion, what's the most interesting festival in our country? How do people celebrate it?, What's your favorite holiday and why?, In your opinion, what's the most interesting festival in our country? What do you like most about it?, What are some holidays that are celebrated in your home country that aren't celebrated in the US?, What are some foreign holidays that people in your country celebrate?, On what holidays do people give gifts to each other in your country?, What are your favorite holiday foods?, Are there any holidays from other cultures that you wish you celebrated?, Would you rather travel or stay at home on holidays?, Do you like Valentine’s Day? Is there a holiday that celebrates romance in your home country?, Do you get together with your family on holidays? If so, do you find it stressful, enjoy it, or both?, Does the symbolism of any holidays inspire you? Which holidays?, Do you decorate the outside of your house for any holiday?, Are there any holidays that you really don’t like?, How is Independence Day celebrated in your country?.



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